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Feed Rest Eat Sleep (FRED)

4th September 2020

I do love an acrostic and FRED is a good one for those early days with your newborn


Continuing with last week's theme of keeping life simple, this back to basics top tip will stand you in good stead when adjusting to life with a newborn 

Tune into your baby's needs and learn their hunger cues and tired signs and FEED regularly. REST up! Prioritise YOUR sleep and rest periods. Make sure you EAT and DRINK! Sounds obvious doesn't it, but you may be surprised how many new parents get to mid afternoon and suddenly realise they haven't eaten yet!

Don't forget your extra 500 calories a day when breastfeeding and try to have 2 litres of fluid a day however you are feeding unless medically advised not to 🥰

Please get in touch for a free 30 minute chat if you have any questions about life with your newborn - I can always find time for a chat or to answer your messages 😍

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